About the Mason County Historical Commission

The Mason County Historical Commission assists the county government and the Texas Historical Commission in preserving, protecting and promoting local historical resources. It identifies and researches historic sites and buildings in the county. The commission also seeks to educate and inform the public about Mason County history through publications, programs, markers and monuments.



All known burials in Mason County from 1854 to 2011.

All known burials in Mason County from 2012 to 2022.

Contact Info for all Mason County Cemeteries 2023.


All the state and county historic markers in Mason County.

MARKERS MAP-GP-scale-2_00x

Download our historic markers list with a map.



The Archives Room at the M. Beven Eckert Memorial Library contains both published and unpublished materials on local history topics.

Vertical Files. The folders are organized under the topics Families, Hispanics, Indians, African-Americans, Cemeteries, THC Markers, Businesses, Clubs and Associations, Fort Mason, Hoo Doo War, Schools, County of Mason, City of Mason, and Courthouse Preservation.

Genealogy Books. A collection of books about specific families that settled in Mason County. Also some local histories from surrounding counties and general Texas genealogy books.

The Branding Iron. A complete collection of Mason High School annuals starting in 1924.

Hunter’s Frontier Times. Published from 1923 until 1954, this magazine contains many articles about Mason County history.

Mason County News. PDF files of all issues of the newspaper from May 1886 through the present.

Photographs. Twelve red binders of prints organized under the topics Agriculture/Stock Shows, Events (Parades, Rodeos, Fairs, Picnics, Organizations), Fishing, Hunting, Bands, Weddings, Rangers, Jobs, Homes, People, Schools, Churches, Smaller Communities, Hilda Community, and Sesquicentennial.





Click the links below to download PDF files of all volumes of the newspaper from 1886 through 2004.

Articles from the Mason County News from 2004 forward can be found here – https://www.hillcountrypassport.com/mason/


Located at the northeast corner of the courthouse lawn, the Veterans’ Memorial honors all Mason County residents who served in the armed forces. The Melvin Eckert Mason VFW Post 8554 periodically adds names to the monument. If you would like to have yourself or a family member included, please contact Bill Hight at (325) 265-4226 or hcha1@hctc.net.

Veteran's Memorial-1

Historic Mason Photographs

Selected historic images of Mason County between 1876 and 1958.

Contact Us


    Donate Today!

    The Mason County Historical Commission is a division of county government rather than an I.R.C. § 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our funding for projects is limited, however. If you would like to contribute to a specific project, such as the placement of a state historical marker, the fees for a speaker program, or the underwriting of a new publication, please use the contact form to reach us.

    Volunteer Today!

    The vast majority of our labor is donated by the MCHC board. But we get tired, and there is a lot to do! If you’d like to help us maintain markers, repair damaged signs, or help organize our archives, please let us know! Use the contact form on this site. Thanks

    Spend A Night On the Square

    There are several places to stay directly on the square in Mason. We recommend these three clean, charming and elegant BnB’s.